Doing Devotions Together

We want you to take a look at what God is speaking to our church staff! This blog will help you to be encouraged by what others journal about. Also, it will assist you as you improve the way you journal. We use the SOAP system (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer). To learn more about how the SOAP System works when doing daily devotions and journaling, click here!

Feel free to post some comments! We would love to interact with you and help you to learn how to be mentored directly by the Holy Spirit!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. They will receive the Lord’s blessing and have right standing with God their savior. They alone may enter God’s presence and worship the God of Israel.
Psalm 24:4-6

David reflects in the beauty of God’s presence and about those with the privilege to experience it! Important to notice David’s intent. He wants to reveal the keys for a blessed life. His blessing is not defined by the riches or fame, even though he has all that. His blessing is defined as right standing with God and full access to His presence. He talks about such an intimate friendship with God with passion. He discovered that there are three important things people need to embrace in order to have such a blessing: humility, holiness, and honesty.

A humble man has clean hands and heart. The purity David talks about here is impossible to achieve unless there’s humility. Just like nobody can stay away from getting dirty when touching coal with white gloves, no person can go through life without being stained by sin. The only solution is found in a humble heart that recognizes the impurity and depends on God’s loving grace and forgiveness to be cleansed. Without humility to repent it’s impossible to develop clean hands and pure heart. When we are humble, the works of our hands and the motivations of our heart will be pure. Humility is the VIP pass to God’s heart. The Lord’s loves and brings closer to Him those who are humble.

David also speaks about holiness--being set apart to worship God alone. Holiness is about dedicating our lives to nothing else but to honor God, not our selfish desires, or manmade idols. Our lives are set apart for holy purposes, not for common purposes. Our lives are not about how much money we can make, or how much we can prove to the world. Holiness is about dedicating every area of our daily lives to serve and honor God. We do not dedicate our lives to Mammon, or to a career, or to a person. Our lives are set apart to worship only Jesus.

Finally, David reveals honesty as the third key for a blessed life and for intimacy with God. Lies and deception cannot be closer to God. The more I choose a life of honest words and motives, the more closer to God I will be. I need to be honest to myself, to others, and to God. Humility helps us to stay honest and honesty helps us to stay humble. And once we are humble and honest, we can remain holy before the Lord. These three keys are only possible because of our Savior King. David recognizes that these three keys are given to us because God is our savior. We cannot save ourselves. We need to depend on Him.

Lord Jesus, once again I can see this triple H pattern in your Word of humility, honesty, and holiness. These are the keys for a blessed life and I want to devote my life to embrace these three marks of a blessed man. Please teach me how to become humble as each day goes by. Help me to be truthful and honest in all my dealings with my words and motives. Let everything in my life be dedicated to you and to nobody else. Let my dreams be yours, let my possessions be yours, let my affection be only yours. Thank you for paying the price for me at the cross and for handing me over these three keys. This is not possible to achieve on my own, but because your Holy spirit living in me, I will become more humble, more honest, and more holy. In Jesus name! Amen.

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