Doing Devotions Together

We want you to take a look at what God is speaking to our church staff! This blog will help you to be encouraged by what others journal about. Also, it will assist you as you improve the way you journal. We use the SOAP system (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer). To learn more about how the SOAP System works when doing daily devotions and journaling, click here!

Feel free to post some comments! We would love to interact with you and help you to learn how to be mentored directly by the Holy Spirit!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

NEW THINGS. By Pastor Jan

"But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved." "And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, "The old is better.'"
Luke 5:38, 39

God is always trying to bring us into His "new" wine skin. God's
mercies are "new" every morning (Lam. 23:3, 2 Cor 1:3, Eph. 2:4). It
takes a risk to understand God in new ways that can be very
uncomfortable. Daniel, Simon took a risk with their lives to submit
in obedience to God. Daniel saw things that made him faint of heart.
Yet, God draws us toward him. In the drawing, faith in Jesus can be
active and alive (a life on fire) because understanding God breaks
down the sometimes legal systems we set up in our lives. God's mercy
gives new compassion daily.

It is easy to cling to the "comfortable" traditional structures of
the past. I tend to reach for the familiar. The familiar then
becomes my mindset and finally my lifestyle...a sometimes legalistic
lifestyle. When I was younger, I was a risk taker quite drawn by the
"unknown". I learned to fly Cessna's for the thrill of flying alone
across California. I need to quit falling back on what I already know
and step out into God's mercies for the "new" every morning. As
Daniel learned to understand God in a fresh way, I need to risk being
"faint of heart".

Lord, for Your light to shine, stretch me, mold me, fit me into the
new. Help me to discard the old that is "not of you". Root out the
rigid, legalistic mindsets of my life. Broaden my perspective that
risks everything to continue to live for you.

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