Doing Devotions Together

We want you to take a look at what God is speaking to our church staff! This blog will help you to be encouraged by what others journal about. Also, it will assist you as you improve the way you journal. We use the SOAP system (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer). To learn more about how the SOAP System works when doing daily devotions and journaling, click here!

Feel free to post some comments! We would love to interact with you and help you to learn how to be mentored directly by the Holy Spirit!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Ezekiel 18:20 - The person who sins will die The son will not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son's iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.

God is now making it very clear on how we are responsible for our own actions. We do not hold the mistakes of our father on our shoulders and our father doesn’t hold our mistakes on his. Basically, this is saying that we are now responsible for our own actions, good and bad. If we bless someone and do good, we will be held accountable. If we wrong someone and do bad, we will be held accountable.

There are so many things that make you, you. Every experience in life, from the bully who picked on you in elementary to the first time you held someone’s hand. Everything is an added experience that leads to the kind of person you are today. In today’s reading, God’s speaks of how we are not responsible for the mistakes of our father nor are they responsible for our mistakes. Honestly, it is so easy for me to take the junk about me and blame it on my parents. “They raised me to be like this” or “It’s not my fault I’m this way.” But here, God reminds us that we are accountable for ourselves and we have the ability to overcome the generational curses and put more of our identity in Christ. That no matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done, we can always change who we’ve become to be more like Christ without playing the blame game.

Lord, thank you for second and third and fourth chances. Thank you that you’ve given us a way to change to be more like You. That we can be accountable for our actions and that there is always time for change. Lord, help me to be more like You, especially in the areas of my life that I struggle in from the wounds of my past. Heal my heart, restore me to who you’ve called me to be. I love You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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