Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after he fasted 40 days and 40 nights then he became hungry and the tempter came. Matthew 4:1-2
Often I find myself more and more dismayed at where the Lord takes me in my life and what He allows me to go through. I wonder if Jesus ever felt the same way??? Here he is on the cusp of starting his public ministry. He just got baptized and then being led by the spirit he goes into the wilderness to fast and be tempted. LED by the spirit to endure a test and go through a season of hardship. Wow...that really doesn’t help me sleep at night! There will be times in my life where God will lead me to places where I will be tested. During those times I may meet the tempter as well...when I am weak, when I least expect it. And worst of all I can fall to the temptation. And to think…these seasons are God induced.
I have never thought about the reason why Jesus fasted before? Was it to hear God more clearly? He heard perfectly. Was it to unleash spiritual power? He yielded it all. Whatever the reason, if Jesus exampled it and he was God, then I better be sure to practice it in my own life.
On top of that I have never thought about Jesus being tempted before. Was it possible for Jesus to be deceived? I’d like to say no, but it had to be. Why else would the devil try and waste his time? The devil may be defeated but he is not stupid!!! Surely in Jesus 100% God nature He couldn’t be deceived but in his 100% man nature surely he must have held the potential to be deceived! What a scary thought! Many people I know that are Christians think that because they love Jesus they will never be deceived. He (God) wouldn’t allow that to happen of course! Yet in today’s reading we see Jesus being led out to face circumstances just like this. And if it was possible for Jesus to be deceived and he had the whole God thing going for Him, than you better believe it is possible for me. I can love Jesus and be deceived in areas of my life. I may even be absolutely “sure” that I am right. I’ve yet to meet the person who is deceived and knows it. Could you imagine that! Um...Hi...I am living my life making these decision and I know I am being tricked and deceived. NOT going to happen.
The hardest thing about deception is that fact that it can sound so logically and right. It can be so alluring and even beautiful. I’m reminded in revelation where John sees Lucifer and is enchanted by his beauty even though he is the incarnation of evil. I picture deception as this ugly mess that I will see coming and be able to fight off when in reality I may not see it coming because of its beauty and actually welcome it with open arms.
What are ways to fight deception?
Devotions every day-God’s word is sharper than any two edged sword and will lead me to truth
Prayer-God promised the Holy Spirit would lead me into all truth
God given friends and family-the ones who will tell me how it is and do so with a pure heart. They love Jesus and me. They do it in that order.
Father, I am a little scared today that I will drift from the simplicity of following you and your word. Give me discernment and help me stick to my guns when it comes to times of tempting/testing. May I hold true to Your words no matter how logically or beautiful deception may sound. Help me to do the same with those you placed under my care. I love you and serve you from a heart that desires to be pure. Thank you for leading me into all truth as you promised. I recognize today that I don’t know everything and can fall in a moments notice. Help me to also be a man who fasts and refuses to compromise. I love you!
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