Doing Devotions Together

We want you to take a look at what God is speaking to our church staff! This blog will help you to be encouraged by what others journal about. Also, it will assist you as you improve the way you journal. We use the SOAP system (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer). To learn more about how the SOAP System works when doing daily devotions and journaling, click here!

Feel free to post some comments! We would love to interact with you and help you to learn how to be mentored directly by the Holy Spirit!

Monday, May 5, 2008


“Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession.”
Psalm 2:8

The Lord declares in this psalm the birthright that His children have to receive an inheritance from Him. There is no limit for God’s abundance and for what He shares with His children. He offers the nations, the ends of the earth as our possession. This world may be under the ruling of Satan, but God has declared that as we ask to Him, He will give us every square inch as our possession. We are in a crusade against not other people, but against the forces of darkness that claim dominion over what is ours. Our battle is for what our inheritance and our strategy should to be to ask God to help us conquer what the enemy has stolen from us. The problem is that we don’t ask for what it’s ours. The title of property in on our name and we cannot allow invaders to claim our possessions as theirs.

Many of our blessings are not enjoyed because we don’t ask God for them. It’s like having a wining lottery ticket on our wallet, but never enjoy its rewards because we never claim it. We need to ask our Heavenly Father for our inheritance and expect His power to deliver it to us. I can think in different areas where this can be applicable. But one specific area I want to focus today is in our influence in the ministry. There are so many corners in our community that need to be asked as our inheritance. In the spiritual realm, there are souls that need to come to the Kingdom of God and we need to ask for them. There are spiritual places that need to be redeemed and rededicated for the Lord. In the physical world, there are places that we need to secure for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. It’s our birthright as sons and daughters of the mOst High! But we will never enjoy our inheritance if we let others walk away with it, and if we neglect asking God for what is already ours.

Once again the Lord is prompting my heart to ask in faith, to dream big dreams, to enlarge my vision, and to crave my inheritance until the end of the earth. I remember when we asked the Lord for the Kahala Mall space. It took a lot of faith to take that step. We cannot stop here! There are my souls that need an encounter with the love of God and we need to bring them in to a place where God’s glory dwells. I would love for every single faithful believer to start asking for their inheritance, not out of arrogance or selfish motives, but out of conviction and faith in God’s promise and power. We need to ask more and expect more because we are entitled to much more that what we have right now.

Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me for not asking for my inheritance and for neglecting what you have given to me and to our church. Let me increase my faith so I can ask boldly for more and more blessing, not because I’m not satisfied with what I have, but because I need to steward more of what you have planned for me. Please give us the hearts of the people in our coomunity. Let us be a church that shines in the midst of darkness and where people can find your love, mercy and grace. Father, I ask you for our church to take a foothold in the physical realm as well in the spiritual with property of our own. Open our eyes so we can see you r plan for us. Help us to think as your children and as coheirs with Christ. Amen!

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