5 Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. 6 And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ.
Romans 1:5-6
As Paul starts writing his letter to the Romans, from the very beginning he reveals his purpose to call people to the obedience that comes from faith in Jesus Christ. He is the prime defender of salvation through faith. But he also clarifies that true faith always results in obedience to God's ways. In other words, our faith is validated by our level of obedience or resistance to God's instructions. The quality of our faith is determined not by what we believe but by the way we live.
The greatest struggle in my life is to live according to what I believe. For years I tried and tried to live up to my convictions, to defeat my compulsions, and to honestly have a lifestyle that reflects my faith. The second greatest struggle in my life is to call out people to live that way. As a pastor my greatest worry and what keeps me awake at night is the frustration of seeing people that believe in God living as if they do not believe His Word. God's grace and mercy has been covering me during my own struggles with unwavering obedience. His patience and kindness has lead me to repentance. And even though sometimes I fall again, I still find his forgiveness available as I repent constantly.
However, I'm troubled in my heart for so many dear people I know that continue living stubborn lives, doing whatever they want, and not doing what God clearly instructs them to do. I must have the same patience and mercy that God has with me. I must find ways to motivate them to obey and never give up trying.
Dear heavenly Father, thank you so much for your grace over my life. I'm doing better living out my faith trough sincere obedience. But now I need your help in helping people to live out their convictions as they trust and obey your ways. Give me a special anointing to motivate, guide, and disciple people in this way, to become faithful and committed followers of your son Jesus. Amen!
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