Doing Devotions Together

We want you to take a look at what God is speaking to our church staff! This blog will help you to be encouraged by what others journal about. Also, it will assist you as you improve the way you journal. We use the SOAP system (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer). To learn more about how the SOAP System works when doing daily devotions and journaling, click here!

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

2 Samuel 12:12


David committed a series of sins when no one else was watching. he schemed to cover up his iniquity by misusing his authority and taking advantage of others for his personal gain. But God is always watching. Sooner or later God was going to convict David of his multiple sins. and God revealed the whole thing to Nathan. The Holy Spirit gave him wisdom to confront the king and led him to a place of repentance. But God's judgment was already in place. regardless of his sincere repentance, David had to suffer the consequences of his behavior.


how naive we are when we think that we can get away with hidden sin! what we do in the secret sooner or later will become evident in public because that's the way sin works. sin promises all the rewards up front and leave the pain at the back end. for that reason, we need to be on the alert when we are tempted under the retention that nobody is looking.We need to be aware of our tendency two isolate ourselves so nobody can watch our sinful decisions. What we do in private will sooner or latter become public.


Dear heavenly Father, thank you so much for the grace and mercy bestowed over me. I have my share of hidden sins that you have covered with your blood because I realized I cannot run from you. but before the secret sins happen, please make me aware of the set up I build for myself with isolation.

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