Doing Devotions Together

We want you to take a look at what God is speaking to our church staff! This blog will help you to be encouraged by what others journal about. Also, it will assist you as you improve the way you journal. We use the SOAP system (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer). To learn more about how the SOAP System works when doing daily devotions and journaling, click here!

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009


2 Thessalonians 3:13 - And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.

Paul, in this particular passage, is writing about those who are “idle”. Idle being those who may not use their time wisely or responsibly. He also speaks of them as being busybodies instead of busy.

I love it when Paul is so direct and clear about how these people he is talking to should live and conduct themselves on a day to day basis. He is speaking to those who are idle and seem busy but are really not. When I hear the word idle, I can’t help but hear apathetic; one who has or shows little or no feeling or emotion; having no concern. A lot of times in ministry we get so many people that come to us and throw up everything about their lives, their problems, their need for someone to fix it. They share out of their heart and desire so much for anyone to help. For us as those who give their life to God to work in the ministry, we can hear all these people and sometimes become emotionless or compassionless for their situation. In our head it’s like, “heard this before” or “I know exactly what they need to do” and there sometimes is a slight misalignment with our heart and our assignment to these people. Today, I receive a word to just check my heart and realign myself if I’m off just a little. It isn’t that I am evil but more because I am human. Jesus was perfect and was never off when it came to loving others. We as followers trying to be more like Him, sometimes need to correct a little here and there and fine tune our hearts to become closer to who Jesus wants us to be. And then there is the subject of being “busy” or seeming that way. As we work in the ministry, we can get so caught with things that seem pressing or very urgent when it may not actually be. And very often, it’s those things that seem pressing are the very things that hinder us from actually doing the assignment that God wants us to do. If we are not careful, we may find ourselves as “busy” but not the slightest effective or efficient. I know for me, the Lord is asking that I check what I am doing to make sure and correct back if necessary, that I am doing what He has assigned me to do. It is so critical that we don’t become busybodies and fool ourselves to thinking that we are not capable of God’s assignment for our lives.

Wow God. So much...I am so encouraged by the words that you’ve given me. Help me to not become idle in my life and correct back to truly loving others and show me the areas in my life that is making me a busybody than just busy. I want to be faithful in all areas of my life and I know that You are just waiting to show me how. I love You. In Jesus name, Amen.

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